Dashboard said it best a few years ago..... "so long, sweet summer."
With the arrival of BGCru staff marathon-meetings and the arrival of BGCru's student leaders and the moving in of 3,800 new freshmen, I think it's safe to say summer is over.
No more afternoons on the beach, no more fruity summer drinks, no more long sunny days, and no more multiplying mahogany melanin.
The high school bell rings, the college dorms fill with nervous freshmen, the football fans wear their eye-black, the leaves turn colorfully crispy, and the pumpkin boasts in its new found popularity.
"The dog days are over," friends.
May the shortening days, and the lengthening nights, may the caramel apple, and the oversized hoodie, may the crisp leaf under your new beautiful boots, and the smell of bonfires in the neighborhood be our new joy, our nostalgia for days to come, and our senses' satisfaction.