Friday, April 29, 2011

Year in Review

Today marks the last day of BGSU's 2010-2011 school year.  We have had a BLAST together!  :)

2010-2011 in pictures:

And one of my favorite videos from the year, just for kicks:
BGCRU Man Maker and Women's Weekend Promotional Video from Andreya Evans on Vimeo.

Friday, April 22, 2011

GOOD? Friday...

Over the next three days, I wanna share with you this guy (Matt Maher) I've been following through this Holy Week.  Would you take 5 minutes to watch these and simply think about what implications Easter may have on your life?

Thoughts on Good Friday:

Monday, April 18, 2011

I am Privileged

I'm not quite sure how I got the privilege of doing the job I do.  I'm not quite sure why anybody lets me speak into their life.  And I'm not quite sure why I really do get to live the good life.

But I do know it is an honor to intersect with some of these epic stories being written around me.

I've pondered this picture a few times in the past week, asking myself what makes it so special.  I think it's because the girls in the picture are, literally, going all over the world for a bigger purpose than themselves.  These girls are living epic lives, they're embracing & overcoming conflict, they're heros, they're changing the world around them.

I am proud to know every single one of these girls.  It is a humbling thing to be even just a minor character in each of their stories.
Jacintha is off to Denver, Colorado.  Julianne is off to Ecuador.  Andreya is off to Orlando, Florida. and Marie is off to Kalamazoo, Michigan.

The world doesn't even know what'll hit 'em as these women step into their respective places and invite others into a "better" story.  These, indeed, are women of whom the world is not even worthy [Heb. 11:38].

Friday, April 15, 2011

The Good Life

From death comes life.
From winter comes spring.
From poopy fertilizer comes roses that may make you marvel.

I become more and more convinced of Jesus' words when he said, "if your first concern is to look after yourself, you'll never find yourself.  But if you forget about yourself and look to me, you'll find both yourself and me."

It doesn't make any sense to me.  But I know it's true.  The good life is the life given away. The good life is the sacrificed life.

The beauty, the abundance, the hope, and the richness we long for in our heart of hearts comes from death to self, death to my own agenda, and death to my selfishness.  

From ashes comes beauty.  From dirt comes beauty.  From death comes life.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

I've missed you...

Here's what I've decided -- there are always 2 things indicative of the current level of chaos in my life:
1 -- my room's mess level (specifically, the notable laundry basket explosion)
2 -- my blogging frequency

Blogger, I've missed you.