Thursday, November 22, 2012

Your Cliche Thanksgiving Post

Just some strokes of brilliance on gratefulness and thanksgiving, in light of the season.......

"I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought, and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder."  |  G.K. Chesterton

"We ought to give thanks for all fortune: if it is good, because it is good; if bad, because it works in us patience, humility and contempt of this world and the hope of our eternal country."  |  C.S. Lewis

"We meet many Christians who have tears in their eyes, and complaints in their mouths; but there are few with their harps in their hands, who praise God in affliction.  To be thankful in affliction is a work peculiar to a saint.  Every bird can sing in the spring, but some birds will sing in the dead of winter.  Everyone, almost, can be thankful in prosperity, but a true saint can be thankful in adversity.  A good Christian will bless God, not only at sun-rise, but at sun-set.  Well may we, in the worst that befalls us, have a psalm of thankfulness, because all things work for good.  Oh, be much in blessing of God: we will thank Him that doth befriend us."  |  Thomas Watson

"When I give thanks for the seemingly microscopic, I make a place for God to grow within me."  |  Ann Voskamp

"On your feet now -- applaud God!  Bring a gift of laughter, sing yourself into His presence.  Know this: God is God, and God, God.  He made us; we didn't make Him.  We are His people, His well-tended sheep.  Enter with the password: 'Thank you!'  Make yourselves at home, talking praise.  Thank Him.  Worship Him.  For God is sheer beauty, all generous in love, loyal always and ever."  |  Psalm 100

a quick exercise in thankfulness

The Lumps celebrating Thanksgiving Day together

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